
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Scary Delivery

The photo shows an Artist Who Bakes Edible Body Parts. Yes, they're creepy looking, but they taste like regular bread.

But one Michigan couple got the real things when DHL delivered two packages from China ... Human Liver And Head Accidently Delivered to Michigan Home

The body parts were intended for medical research.


Next time you need to ship body parts, use UPS.


  1. I'll bet this guy does a mint around Halloween!

    As for the mistaken delivery... GADS!

    "But I wasn't expecting a package from China..."

  2. Oh yeah, this is good Halloween stuff. I just thought it dove-tailed nicely with my body-part-from-China story.

    This is a cautionary tale about opening packages without knowing exactly who it's from.

    Chen Woo's Falun Gong Blasphemers Recycling Center... not such a good to idea to open ;-)

  3. Ew. Ew to the max. Ew to infinity!
    Hey, just a note to let you know I finally got around to answering your comment on mah blog under "Deja vu" - sorry, I've fallen behind in everything lately.
    Off to read the other posts that I've missed here...

  4. P.S.
    You really gotta wonder about this baker guy...
    I'm just sayin.

  5. sorry but I think thats garooooooooooooosss! in gross !..eeek!

  6. Yes, his baking skills are a bit
    'out there'.

  7. I'll take a guess that he bakes really delicious bread too, but I could never have a bite.

    I like my food to look and be dead, but not creepy.

  8. Now I can't help but guess what the liver and head were going to be used for. Someone needs to work on labeling.
