
Wednesday, December 28, 2016


Deepak Chopra Doesn't Understand Quantum Physics, So Brian Cox Wants $1,000,000 From Him

You can't make money if nobody buys your BS. As such, "woo" that has zero paying customers is more like just ordinary batshit crazy.


  1. Love the book title and the exchanges between Chopra and Cox:

    Oh do shut up @deepakchopra you whining teenager. If you argue with rational grown ups then expect a little gentle piss-taking ;-)

  2. Jan: I got a kick out of that, too. I also liked the Twitter handle #CosmicConsciousnessmyarse. So apt.

  3. When i was in school, i always said i couldn't dazzle with my brilliance so i would baffle with my bull manure. At least i knew it was bull manure, and never pretended it was anything else.

  4. Messymimi: And you didn't fleece anybody doing it. Judging by Chopra's income, there's a big market out there for baloney.

  5. I feelbad for folks who need these lessons!

  6. Snaggle Tooth: If people want to spend their hard-earned money on this stuff, who am I to stop them. I do reserve the right to call them out when I feel their "findings" are less than real.
