
Monday, July 17, 2017

Flibberty Jibberty

In my day, we were dazzled by gyroscopes...

Today, kids watch fidget spinners, well, spin.

Doesn't that make you go "hmmmm"?

[The BLOG note: that "hmmmm" is not a spinning noise, by the way, it's just a basic "hum" noise. I wouldn't want to put anyone at jeopardy.]


  1. Ed Bonderenka: I think there may be TOO much ritalin... for the rest of us anyway.

  2. Those spinners are interesting and the fad is -- well, it's a fad. Gyroscopes are more interesting.

  3. My older kids have played with theirs for about two minutes and then set them down and walked off. There weren't any at Sunday school this past week, either, among the younger set. They are cute, they are a fad, they will be gone soon.

  4. kids made more sense when the fad was for pet rocks. I still have no idea what a fidget thingy is and have no plans to learn.

  5. LL: Yes, it's a call to gyroscope makers all over the globe. If they're so interested in some spinning s**t, we'll make billions with this.

  6. Messymimi: They don't bother me per se, but I just see them as a stupid thing to do. How can you spend more than half a minute with the things before losing interest?

  7. DaBlade: Pet rock. Kid rock. I never had either one of those. Thanks for the reminder that we had stupid s**t back in the day.

    The only reason I have one of those "fidget thingys" is that it was foisted upon my husband by a company he works for... really, it was like, take one, please, take two, take them all. The cats like them.

  8. There are fads that last a few minutes and some longer than that. They have to have whatever until they get it and then it's off to something else.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  9. i wish i could come up with a money making fad

  10. Sandee: Does that mean the Kardashians will go away soon? I certainly hope so.

  11. Jan: There you go thinking like me again. I just hope our newest fad isn't Kardashian-related.

  12. Bring back yo-yo's. At least that took some skill.

    Back when I did hair, I was one of the first to buy a hair blower that had a gyroscope type motor so it became almost weightless when you were using it. Great idea and loved it until it burned up - literally in flames. I think it needed a bit more work on the design. Ya think?

  13. My fidgety widget is chambered in .357

  14. Fidget spinners have to be the most useless item to spend money on ever. At least the hula hoop had women's hips moving and grooving.

  15. Adrienne's idea about the yo-yo come back is a good one. But, are yo-yos gone?

  16. Adrienne: I've never ever heard of any gyroscope hairdresser thing. That's a first for me. Then again, I'm not in the business

  17. Kid: Well, know we all know where your mind is... ;)

  18. Granny Annie: The yo-yos are still around. They're just not popular right now. I'm a master and I'm waiting for them to become popular again.

  19. Ed Bonderenka: My Smitty is a .38.

  20. Yo yos are still here. Thnk goodness.

    I was really good with a yo yo back in the day. I had a wonderful butterfly that could sleep, go round the world and sleep the cradle. I'm all for bringing back the yo yo.

  21. Adrienne: I've never ever heard of any gyroscope hairdresser thing. That's a first for me. Then again, I'm not in the business

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  23. Ed Bonderenka: We called them Duncan butterfly yo yo's in my day, they were my favorites and I was good at the tricks.
