
Friday, October 29, 2004

Frank Burns Redux

In case you missed the NBC Nightly News, 10/28/04

Brokaw: Someone has analyzed the President’s military aptitude tests and yours,
and concluded that he has a higher IQ than you do.
Kerry: That’s great. More power. I don’t know how they’ve done it, because my record
is not public. So I don’t know where you’re getting that from.

Stop the presses! Kerry finally tells the truth & admits he has not released his military records, after claiming all along he had released them & they were on his website. Finally, a bit of truth.

Now ask yourself, why hasn't Kerry released his military records?

Remember Frank Burns from M*A*S*H?

Can you say 'redux'?

[The BLOG attributions: Nightline quote: Golden Drawstring to Polipundit
& Jeff/Slash for thinking of Frank Burns first]

1 comment:

  1. chick magnet? yeah, chickens follow him around all the time. heh..heh
