
Monday, October 25, 2004

If he said it once, and said it twice...

Is there anything Kerry won't say to be elected?

During the second presidential debate, Kerry professed to being more attuned to international concerns on Iraq because of his meeting with the entire United Nations Security Council just a week before the October 2002 vote on Resolution 1441. Kerry said, "This president hasn't listened. I went to meet with the members of the Security Council in the week before we voted. I went to New York. I talked to all of them, to find out how serious they were about really holding Saddam Hussein accountable."

Speaking before the Council on Foreign Relations in New York in December of 2003, Kerry claimed to have superior knowledge in foreign affairs because he met "with the entire Security Council, and we spent a couple of hours talking about what they saw as the path to a united front in order to be able to deal with Hussein."

If he said it once, and said it twice, it must be true, right? Oops.

Thanks to old-fashioned investigative journalism by Joel Mowbray of The Washington Times, it has been uncovered that this is yet another example of Kerry saying whatever it takes to be elected.

Of the five ambassadors on the Security Council in 2002 who were reached for comment, four said they had never met Mr. Kerry. The four also said that no one who worked for their countries' U.N. missions had met with Kerry either. Oops.

What the Kerry campaign meant to say was he met with the French U.N.representative and the British U.N.representative...a bit of an exaggeration from saying not once, but twice, that he had met with all 15 members of the Security Council. Oops.

The truth is there isn't much truth coming from Kerry.

Vote accordingly.

Vote W.

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