
Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Media bias, lies, & missing explosives

CBS 'news magazine' 60 Minutes planned to bash the Bush administration with a segment on 380 tons of missing HMX and RDX explosives from the al Qaqaa Military Installation in Iraq. The segment was to air on election eve but it was scrapped when it became clear that, "the story wouldn't hold," said the executive producer of the show.

Instead, The New York Times printed the article on the front page yesterday. Our own paper, The Tampa Tribune ran with the following headline on page one: "Tons of Explosives Disappear in Iraq: Material Taken From Site After Invasion Led By U.S." The media hammered home the story with each news cycle.

Kerry found the headline handy and pounced on the story with both hands. Almost immediately, 'Jenjus' John began referencing the story as yet another instance of Bush's mishandling of the war in Iraq.

Perhaps this was the October Surprise designed to send the Bush camp into an uncontrolled downward spiral from which they couldn't recover in time for the election. If so, perhaps they should've run with a story based on fact.

The story fell apart when an NBC reporter, who had been embedded with the 101st Airborne, confirmed the report that upon the troops' arrival at the al Qaqaa
installation on 4/10/03 the 380 tons of explosives were already missing. An old CNN report states the explosives were missing as early as January 2003.

This is not a story. This is a highly coordinated effort by the mainstream media to change the outcome of a U.S. election. Plain and simple.

Don't hold your breath waiting for a retraction by The New York Times or any other paper. The media is already hard at work making this square peg story fit into the round hole they have manufactured for it. Remember, Dan Rather, forged documents and all, still works for CBS.

Rush Limbaugh aptly referred to the whole thing as having "the smell of coordination."

To me, it smells like a steaming mound of excrement.

1 comment:

  1. This article you recommend reminds me of the comments made by Col. John Jacobs on the IMUS show when he announced that Kerry DID NOT receive an Honorable Discharge because he missed meetings, etc., while in the Reserve. In later years, Kerry applied to have it changed from GENERAL to Honorable.

    Col. Jacobs did not say where he obtained this info but others have sourced it to A.L.[Steve]Nash, MAC Ret. UDT/SEAL & director of the AutheniSEAL site.

    It would be helpful if Kerry would just sign the 180 Form & release his entire record instead of just the bits & pieces that suit him.
