
Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Pre-election exit polls dead wrong

Looking at yesterday afternoon's early exit poll results gave me a swift-kick-in-the-solar-plexus kind of feeling. You know, a bunch of Maalox moments strung together into an acid reflux chain.

The exit polls showed Kerry was up...up...& up in absurdly high numbers, but as the evening wore on, the artifice fell apart, and Bush's numbers soared. What happened?

A little google searching revealed that the new consortium responsible for the 2004 election exit polling system is called the National Elections Pool (NEP). The NEP is run by Warren Mitofsky, of Mitofsky International, & Joseph Lenski, of Edison Media Research.

This is the same Warren Mitofsky who was executive director of the CBS News election & survey unit, & was an executive producer of its election night broadcasts. In fact, he developed the projection & analysis system used by CBS and VNS, and he started the CBS News/New York Times Poll in 1975 & directed it for CBS for 15 years.

Warren Mitofsky was also the founder of the forerunner of Voter News Service (VNS), the consortium that was disbanded following two major failures in 2 years, including the 2000 election.

VNS + NEP + CBS + NY Times = biased exit polls.

You do the math.

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