
Friday, February 11, 2005

Al Qaeda #2 Condems Freedom!

An audiotape purportedly of Al-Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri hit out at the US concept of freedom, saying it was a cloak for spreading corruption and injustice in the Islamic world.

Liberty as construed by the Americans was based on "usurious banks, giant companies, misleading media outlets and the destruction of others for material gain," charged the voice in the recording aired by Arabic news channel Al-Jazeera.

First of all, doesn't it seem as though Al-Jazeera has a direct, almost instantaneous, conduit to terrorists and their ever ready supply of propaganda tapes? Talk about misleading media outlets...

Second of all, Islam is involved in the spread of terror & tyranny though bloodthirsty beheadings & the bombing of innocents. Not only is this a wee bit contradictory for a 'religion of peace', but qualifies as the destruction of others for gain or otherwise.

But logic is wasted on these lunatics, so I won't bother with it.

This rant, like those before it, is moronic & deserves a loud & resounding 'Phhhfffftt' [sound of spittle-laden raspberry] ,in unison, from the collective citizens of the USA.

Wouldn't it be nice if Al-Jazeera aired that tape...

1 comment:

  1. Today I heard on a news program that the last Osama tape was aired _once_ by al-jazeera before they went on with their sport programming. It was then repeated played by CNN throughout the day.
    Osama knows he just has to get it out once to get it played over and over. It's only in the best financial interests of the news programs to do so, no matter whom they belong to.

    Just a side note: I mourn the loss of innocent life, no matter where in the world, and no matter who's bombs. All else is racism.
