
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Turban Durbin

Dick "Turban" Durbin, star of al Jazeera, shown here demonstrating the number of neurons in his brain...
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Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., set off a political firestorm last week when he compared U.S. treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo to practices employed by Nazis, Soviets, Pol Pot and other oppressive regimes. His statements were condemned by the White House, the Pentagon, the Christian Coalition, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Newt Gingrich (who called for his censure by the Senate) and by right minded (pun intended) media outlets. The uproar over the treasonous remarks grew so loud that, late in the week, Durbin apologized if his remarks had been "misunderstood".

There is no misunderstanding. This was a premeditated attack against our military and our government and was designed to provide aid and comfort to our enemies all over the world.

With Senators like this, America doesn't need enemies.

Shame on you, sir.


  1. Meepers: When did this become the country where free speech is reserved for the far right?

    Durbin has the right to say what he wants, but we don't have the right to say what we want about it, then? Is that how free speech works? Durbin is a classic example of the liberals in action... make a nutcase remark and when you get criticized for it, holler about free speech. It's BS. How are we ever supposed to take liberals seriously?

  2. Free speech is paramount to our country. But how free is our speech when only the left has a bully pulpit in which to speak?

    Durbin made some idiotic comments which our ENEMIES OF AMERICA...can use to their advantage. This is unacceptable.

    I ask you, will al Jazeera give full press to the "heartfelt" apology Durbin made today?

  3. In my opinion, Durbin lost his right to free speech in the Senate when the Dems lost control in 1994 (and reaffirmed in many elections since.) The whole country has spoken, and they want Durbin to sit the f*** down and be quiet... Just as the Senate Repubs did for decades.

    Boy do I hate when people (like meepers) cite the first amendment that way!

  4. I know. I'm still fuming over his slime-ridden "apology" (I'm sorry some of you were offended).

    This wasn't 'a poor choice of words'. I want this left-wing nutcase to say, "I WAS WRONG!" but because there are always Republicans ready to cave in (like McCain, Spector, Snow, et al,), he will never be made to pay for his traitorous words.

    'The poor choice of words' defense never applies to Democrats (remember Trent Lott's faux pas cost him his leadership position).

  5. Cube: remember Trent Lott's faux pas cost him his leadership position

    Yep, and look at how the liberals and democrats soft pedal Robert C. Byrd's KKK membership. If he were a conservative or, God forbid, a Republican, they'd be flaying the guy alive. It's pitiful.

  6. I know. The playing field is certainly not even, is it? It's not even close.

    The liberals are desperate to oppose President Bush's projects no matter what their opposition costs our military & our country.

    Down right un-American if you ask me.
