
Monday, August 15, 2005

Name That Spider Monkey

One day old female Red-Faced Black Spider Monkey (orphaned when her mother died after giving birth) is being held at the Estoril Zoo about 20 miles south of Sao Paulo, Brazil.

The zoo reports that a contest will be held to name the baby primate...

With those extra-long digits, I vote for Skeletora.

Excellent, He-Man!


  1. Here's one of life's odd coincidences... Did you know the red-faced Ted Kennedy was born in the Year of the Monkey? (1932)

    (Not relevant to anything in particular. I just thought it was interesting.)

  2. Heh, heh. I did not know that, tlm. I did, however, know that Teddy dances around like a monkey when he's drunk, which is quite often.

    Weird coincidences continue...

  3. I must have that cute baby monkey for my own!

  4. She is cute. I'm curious about why the're called red-faced? I wonder if her face will turn red as she gets older.

  5. Hmmm, that has a nice ring to it. Selima of the Jungle. Oy!
