
Friday, September 30, 2005

Anti-Gun Propaganda

Don't you fret. We Floridians won't shoot... unless you deserve it.


  1. I'll be sure and wear my bullet proof vest If I come to Florida. Thanks for the warning.

  2. Yikes, add that to the vast population of aging (ie, blind and forgetful) and you have a true recipe for disaster. I'll keep you all in my thoughts...

  3. Oh, for Pete's sake... it's not that bad here. The liberals are like Chicken Little screeching about the sky falling. Don't believe them. The vast majority of gun owners are sober, law-abiding folks who just want to protect themselves. Don't fall for the MSM spin.

    We do have a large group of snow-caps in Florida...I hope they have good aim.

  4. Should I just go back to worrying about the hurricanes then?


  5. Hurricanes bring out the high pucker factor in me, too.

  6. Why do people in Florida need a sign to tell them to be nice to one another in traffic? And why is it bad for there to be such a sign? Should visitors NOT be nice to other people in Florida?

  7. Ogre: I was pointing out how ridiculous this anti-gun propaganda was. This is what you expect from the Brady Campaign to Avoid Gun Violence and I don't agree with what they're saying. Of course we don't need the likes of these hand-wringing anti-gun fools posting signs like this.

  8. Perhaps a better sign (therefore, not likely to be used by the Brady Bunch) would be:

    Florida has a concealed weapon program. Act accordingly.

    I know I would.

  9. Good advice. The Brady Bunch is trying desperately to take away the right to bear arms in Florida & everywhere else. They wouldn't go for it.
