
Thursday, October 13, 2005

Mommy Dearest Redux

Pop icon and marketing mastermind, Madonna, having undergone yet another transformation, reveals her parenting secrets in an article from This is London .

Madonna, married to film director Guy Ritchie, says she has banned television and punishes her daughter's messiness by confiscating her clothes.

"I'm a disciplinarian. Guy's the spoiler," she says in an interview with Harpers & Queen magazine. "TV is trash. I was raised without it. We don't have magazines or newspapers in the house either."

After inflicting her nasty, bacteria-ridden petrie-dish-on-legs self on us for years, she has the nerve to talk like this?

I was raised watching TV, I grew up reading newspapers and magazines, and my mother wasn't moronically dictatorial. I guess I'm no Madonna. Amen to that.


  1. I love it when celebrities pronounce on how people "should live"
    No TV, no out of season food, no dirty rooms.
    When I can say "[Our cook] prepares food like sushi or salmon." then maybe I'll have totally lost perspective too.
    What are those lyrics of hers...

    "I got a lawyer and a manager
    An agent and a chef
    Three nannies, an assistant
    And a driver and a jet
    A trainer and a butler
    And a bodyguard or five
    A gardener and a stylist
    Do you think I'm satisfied?"

    Hell, I'd be!

  2. Myself, I don't waste precious time on Ma-dung-na and her drivel.

    But now that you mention it, I wonder who helped her with the big words & the poetic meter?

  3. So TV is trash and she doesn't allow newspapers or magazines. That must mean the only reading material in their house is great works of literature. You know, books like mommy Madonna's "Sex". classy.

    What lucky kids to be raised by parents who have such great taste, standards and moral values.

  4. Talk about trash... look in the mirror at what you've been, Madonna, and teach your kids to be just the opposite.

  5. I can barely run all of her statements through my mind without hurting it, but I have to say this:

    Didn't TV make her what she is? Where would she be without the early years of MTV, when they actually played her crappy videos 24/7?

    Talk about biting the hand that feeds you...

  6. All of you have made cogent arguments & I agree with all of you, but have you noticed that all of your names start with the letter "J"? Is that weird or what?

    I want all the rest of the letters of the alphabet to know that they are welcome to comment too.

  7. i just have to add... if everyone had followed her no tv no newspaper bit, she would have way way way less manoey than she does now, adn then maybe she wouldnt feel like she had the right to shoot off her big mouth about how horrible the rest of us parents are.

  8. this is cracking me up! "petri dish on legs"...damn.

    i agree, its easy for celebs to talk like buddha when they are no different when we are..or can not simply admit they've grown and matured as parents...people even to understand how time has changed their perspectives. madonna, though i loved her music in the eighties helped to re-invent the free-bold-sexy slut. so when her daughter becomes a teen, and does what teens do...rebel, how oh how will she hypocritically react? probably like most parents...unable to relate and puritan-dramatic-schizophrenic.

  9. anonymous: Glad you liked it. Read on. I've got more ;-)
