
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Cube Tagged!

I've been tagged by Kajira to take part in the the Blog Archives and Hidden Meanings meme. The criteria: Delve into your blog archive. Find your 23rd post (or closest to). Find the fifth sentence (or closest to). Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions. Ponder it for meaning, subtext or hidden agendas.
Tag five people to do the same.

Well, I went through the archives and found this from 10/18/04: "That I hardly can believe I'm real".

Hmmm...existential angst, perhaps? The geometric construct questions the hexagonal congruity that is its very essense. But if existence preceeds essense, then there is no fixed cubic nature. Cogito ergo sum cubito? ... or should that be cogito ergo sum tesella? Is the human dreaming it is a cube, or is the cube dreaming it is human?

Most of what we see is really just empty space. What is really real, anyway?

Well, that's enough navelgazing for one day. If 5 readers out there want to get tagged with this meme, go for it. I dare you.


  1. Finally, a non-pumpkin post. I was beginning to think about a name change ... The ORANGE BLOG.

  2. I saw this meme on a couple of other blogs.
    I did go into my archives and mine was about something having to do with my made-up word, hitonious. I don't remember the exact quote.

    I'm anti-memes. Some are not too bad.

  3. I'm not anti-meme, per se, but I'm not quick to follow them blindly. This one did intrigue me. Had the 5th line of my 23rd post been about a made-up word (like psycho-mentated) I would've refrained from this meme myself.

  4. I'm anti-meme, but only because I think the word meme is really stupid sounding.

  5. I'm anti-mime, but only because I hate mimes.
