
Thursday, November 10, 2005


Cubi XXVII, a large-scale metal sculpture by American artist David Smith has become the most expensive work of contemporary art ever sold at auction, fetching 23.8 million dollars at Sotheby's in New York. Five bidders competed for Smith's "Cubi XXVII", but it was finally snapped up by Manhattan dealer Larry Gagosian. 

Cubi XXVII is a great title..., but honestly, I wouldn't want that thing in my yard, much less pay almost 24 million for it! Sheesh, must be nice to have all that money to waste.


  1. Man, that Gagosian dude got ripped off!

  2. I'm pretty sure my kids built something almost exactly like that (but smaller) from blocks. I'm going to have to get them some metal and welding supplies...

  3. It's mindboggling to me what crap passes for art.

  4. That makes no sense. I'm with Jen. My kids built stuff like that too. That's not REAL art. It's just shapes piled and stuck together.

  5. I just figured out that all I need to do is sell ONE piece of horrible art like this, and my family will be set for life.

  6. Hey, let's put our kids to work on this plan. All we have to do is find a group of these remarkably stupid, yet exceedingly rich people. We'll all be set for life.

  7. jen totally beat me to it. My kids certainly made this thing from blocks.

    My kid had a great time playing in some "sculpture" in NYC yesterday. Looked like metal links of sausage. I guess I just lack depth, because that's all I could see in it.


  8. I can only hope that the buyer also spends money on worthy causes. This is grossly self-indulgent and sort of stomach turning.

  9. Helen makes a good point. I hope they're spreading the wealth a little!

    I agree, let's get all of our kids together and create some sort of art commune. We should be rich within days!

  10. I'm still big on capitalism. I believe people can do what they want with their money (even waste it on stupid crap). I'd just like to attract some of that wealth my way...willingly, you understand, & not through some idiotic governmental, not that I'm calling my stuff crap.

  11. I played with blocks and legos and an erector set. I've made sculptures and once tried to make a working robot. I majored in graphic design and now design junk mail.

    My catalogs do not fetch 23.8 million at Sotheby's. :(

    Somewhere, I zigged when I should have zagged.

  12. We just had a creaky old deck ripped out from behind a trailer on our property. The resulting junk pile is certainly as aesthetically pleasing as this pile of what looks like silver spraypainted cardboard boxes. This is a kid's idea of what the gates to Robot City looks like!
    Anyway, anyone out there want to buy my high-art scrap wood heap? I'll sell it cheap.
    $19.9 million, now, that is a friend price.

  13. i think he stold the design from a three year old. and it looks like other folks agree with me. i wonder if once indy gets a little older, i can glue his block masterpieces together and get millions for scale model recreations of the cubi art, hehe.

  14. I guess we're all in the wrong line of work... *sigh*

  15. That's the most absurd thing I've ever heard in my life. That money could've done some real good like buy food, shelter, some blankets for the poor. Or pay off my mortgage even. sheesh.
