
Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Hitch Hits Back

My favorite columnist from the progressive left, Christopher Hitchens, hits back against the claims of the MSM and the loony left in this article entitled Believe It Or Not in Slate.

Hitch begins with asking, "What do you have to believe in order to keep alive your conviction that the Bush administration conspired to launch a lie-based war?" and he proceeds to elucidate, in his superb and inimitable style, the ways in which "a few little strokes of Occam's razor are enough to dispose of this whole accumulation of fantasy."

This erudite piece ends by Hitch asking whether they can they be this dumb and gullible.

Actually, I think there is a calculated, agenda-driven campaign to make people think President Bush "misled" us into war...
and the economy is tanking...
and there is a culture of corruption around the Administration...
and America is bad and deserves to be losing the war on terror...

This list goes on ad nauseum.

As Hitchins so cleverly illustrates, logic and facts will always beat out bumpersticker slogans and baseless ad hominem attacks. I find it funny that it takes a principled person from the left to point this out.


  1. I guess it's incumbent upon us to prove these allegations wrong. Is that how it works now?

  2. Funny how Hitchens opposed the first Iraqi war in 1991. I wonder what caused his change of heart?

  3. I can't speak for Hitchens, but I know that 9/11/01 changed the everything for me and other freedom loving people. Suddenly, the world would never be the same.
