
Thursday, November 03, 2005

Potty Lizard

Toilet training can be a stressful time in anyone's life, but I'll bet none of you had to confront a carnivorous lizard during potty training like the poor little toddler from Oslo. The boy's mother discovered the three foot Teju lizard, a carnivorous variety from South America, as she helped her three-year-old use the toilet, the Bergen aquarium in western Norway said on Thursday.

The black, yellow-banded lizard, weighing in at 3.3 pounds, can hold its breath for up to a half hour, is thought to have escaped from a private importer.

Holy Herpetology! Talk about psychological trauma. That's like having the knife-wielding psycho killer show up on the day you take your first stand-up shower.


  1. This is frightening. Not only for the timid toilet trainer, but by God! If it was ME resting on the loo, I think I'd have a heart attack or two myself!

  2. That poor little guy. He can probably commit murder later in life and get away with it. It will all be traced back to his horrifiyingly tramatic potty training.
    Whenever he hears the phrase "bleed the lizard," he will go into psychotic fits.

  3. Toilet training for the tiny lizard
    poor little guy .Yikes its tiny and there for it's frightening .I hope it works out.Hey Cube sign my guest map!!!!

  4. had this happened to my teenager, back when he was toilet training, we probably NEVER would have got him to use a toilet again! he would be 13 in depends!

  5. Man, that could scare the shit out of any one let alone a kid!

  6. Lol. Makes all of those stories about alligators in the NY sewer system just a little more believeable.

  7. jill: LOL! Figuratively & literally!

    I know I'm checking the porcelain bowl everytime I go.

    Let's hope they never develop novelty toilet fresheners (the ones that hang on the side) that look like animals. I can see some early morning heart attacks over something like that.

  8. Think of what that poor lizard had to go through before they discovered him, though. Trauma all around. ;-)

  9. MCF: So true! Thanks for providing the reptilian POV.
