
Friday, December 09, 2005

Choco Dudes

Life-sized chocolate bodybuilders just in time for Christmas.


  1. That is more disturbing than the chicken piece, above.


  2. Ew. Just ew.

    Love birdwoman's little parentheses bird!

  3. What the hell!?
    These guys are all kinds of scary. Yet, they make me hungry for very shiny beef jerky.

  4. jen: yes, birdwoman's signature emoticon is very distinctive.

    jessey: is there any other kind of beef jerky but shiny?

  5. Not at all attractive. Not one bit.

  6. You know what's weird (I mean, besides everything in this photo)?

    If these guys had some horrible disease that made them all stringy and shiny like this, and this were a picture from a medical journal chronicling their painful condition, we'd all feel pretty sorry for them. I mean, that's awful, to end up all swollen and bulbous like they are.

    But, then you think about how they probably invest more time TRYING to get this way than most people devote in their full-time job, and spend tons of money to boot, and I'm even more sorry for them...because it seems like they're kind of stupid and maybe even a little insane.

    Is that mean?

  7. I'm for everybody doing what fulfills them, unless it involves treasonous acts against my country & then I have a serious problem with their activities. These guys are harmless. I may not love it, but I say go for it. I can't say the same for some democrats & the islamofascists.

  8. Oh yeah! That photo has inspired me to make my body shiny, too! I'm sure it will enhance the beer-bloat and spare tire that have settled near my midsection.
