Conservative columnist Ann Coulter gave up trying to finish a speech at the University of Connecticut on Wednesday night when boos and jeers from the audience became overwhelming.
Before the tolerance and diversity crowd prevented Coulter from finishing her speech, she got in a few barbs, including calling Bill Clinton an "executive buffoon" who won the presidency only because Ross Perot took 19 percent of the vote. She called California Sen. Barbara Boxer a good candidate for the Democrats because "she is a woman and she's learning disabled".
Yeah, Coulter can be a bomb-thrower, but I find her comments refreshing, especially in these days of PC constraints on the right, while left-wing professors such as Ward Churchill, a.k.a. Professor Sitting Bulls***, can spew all manner of hateful things without so much as a boo.
I guess tolerance and diversity is a one way street, and free speech only applies to the left.
I like Coulter, she's one smart lady. I'd hate to debate with her on any topic, as she'd probably verbally tear me to shreds.
ReplyDeleteI too like Ann. She always comes up with the witty barb. I listen to her when she guests on Hannity's radio show sometimes.
ReplyDeleteHer voice is kind of irritating and she's far too skinny, but she's smart and mean, and I dig that about her.
Colter is a provocateur, but thats why she cracks me up so much. It doesn't take much to get under the lefties' 'tolerant' skin...
ReplyDeleteCome visit my site, I'd love to have you as a reader:
If she's going to say the things she says, you'd have to be an idiot not to expect a response. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
ReplyDeleteWhat IS that Adam's Apple?
Coulter expects a reaction & she expects to debate the merits of her arguments. She can't do either when these "tolerant" people don't let her speak. What are they afraid of?
ReplyDeleteIt's times like this that I get down on my knees and thank G-d we have a federal Department of Transportation.Go Ann Coulter.
ReplyDeleteDidn't you get the memo? Yeah, tolerance and diversity don't apply any more if you're rational.
ReplyDeleteI'm surprised she got that much out.
I think Ann goes too far sometimes, but I do believe she is very smart and witty. I agree with much of what she says, and her jabs at liberals are funny. I guess she is part comedian.
ReplyDeleteThose people who heckled and jeered are probably people who claim to believe in everyone's right to free speech. Hypocrites!
I'm grateful that Coulter is on my side because she uses facts & logic, not emotion & sentiment. You can't have a debate with people who refuse to debate the facts. One day this will become clear.