
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Conservative Beer

An Ontario brewery launched new beers with the effigy of party leaders on the labels and counted the sales of each to predict the outcome of the Canadian election.

The results have so far echoed conventional polls throughout the election campaign and, finally, the election, when the 12 years of liberal rule ended yesterday when Stephen Harper's Conservatives pulled off a win.

I'll drink to that!

I'll have an Old Tory Lager while you go here to read this amusing article.


  1. who'da thunk it? The Kanucks voted in a conservative?? Where will their crazy libs threaten to go?


  2. The Canadian liberals should invade France.

  3. Canada is still a liberal country, but maybe there's hope for them to lean more to the right.

  4. I'm hoping Canada will lean more towards the right, especially in light of their huge oil reserves.
    We could use a friendly sibling to the north.

    It's not like the left has been good for Cananda. Lefty rule has allowed the crime rate to skyrocket, there is wide-spread corruption. I think they can use a good conservative.

  5. In order for beer to be conservative...

    Empty taste (like their promises)
    Added cancerous ingredients (like their environmental policies)

    and it would have to taste like Miller Lite, to fulfill that phoney factor.

  6. no, conservative beer is less filling. The liberal stuff is thick and brown from all the crap particles floating within its frothy head.
