
Friday, January 06, 2006

Go Bucs!

Arrgggh! I'll be rootin' for me Buccos tomorrow. Aye mateys, the Redskins will walk the plank.



  1. I second that. Go Bucs!!!!!!!

  2. Molly Henneberg can walk the plank as well!

  3. Thems fightin' words! Go, 'Skins, Go! :) But I promise to be kind after we win.

  4. I so don't do the whole sports thing. But, this reminded me of an old "Third Rock from the Sun."

    Do you remember when Dick Solomon when to a Halloween party dressed as a pirate and someone asked him, "Where are your buccaneers?"

    "Under my buccan' hat!" he replied.

    That still slays me. Ok, as you were.

  5. esther: that's no fun. Being a skin's fan, you're supposed to threaten us with scalping, or some form of horrific torture, & we, in turn, being bucs fans threaten you with the plank, or plunder & pillage... (or is that pillage first & then plunder? I always forget) Anyway, it's good clean fun ;-)

    j.d: maybe if we called it pineapple ball you'd like it more? ;-)

    jen: LOL! 3rdRFS was a funny show.
    That joke reminds me of this one:

    Q: Where does a general keep his armies?
    A: Up his sleevies.

    OK, yours was funnier.

  6. i am wearing my bucs shirt, but it doesnt appear to be doing them any good!

  7. I really thought you guys were going to take it. Especially after that embarrassing kick but thank G-d our defense showed up. Not like our offense did. Anyway, it was a nailbiter. You guys brought it.

  8. I'm bummed now. I have so many friends that are Redskins fans, and I'm never gonna hear the end of it.

    Ah well... We'll be unstoppable next year, I know it!

  9. I was wearing my Bucs Superbowl t-shirt, but it didn't bring any luck. What really hurts is that we blew several chances to win.

    I don't know any Redskins fans personally, but the blogsphere is a different matter... OK, go ahead, esther, take your best shot! ;-)

  10. I already addressed it in a comment a couple ahead of this one. I'm not going to take a shot. It was a nail-biter for sure. Could have gone either way at practically any point. I mean, I'm glad we won but we so easily could have lost. You guys did pretty well.
