
Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Good To The Last Civet Drop?

Did you know that some coffee lovers are paying $175 for a pound of coffee beans which have passed through the gastrointestinal system of a furry mammal, called a civet?

Kopi Luwak beans from Indonesia are rare and expensive, thanks to a unique taste and aroma enhanced by the digestive system of palm civets, nocturnal tree-climbing creatures about the size of a large house cat.

First let me just say...SUCKERS!

Oh Margaret! I'm just wondering if I could train my German Shepherd to eat these ripe coffee beans for treats ;-)


  1. "But Spock, the...bean...are...pooped...
    out...of...its...ass." Kirk drops to the floor to watch the civet poop another bean out.

    Spock rubs his chin, and his pointed ears wiggle. "Fascinating. It's also illogical for humans to want to grind and drink coffee from those excreted beans."

    Kirk is busy trying to make out with the civet. "How can humans be so cruel, using the civet to make expensive coffee beans."

    "Well," Spock replies, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

  2. Pheonix: Good one!

    I don't drink coffee. It is yucky! Maybe I would like the unqiue flavors from the civet's digestive tract. Yummmmy!

  3. I think coffee is the finest organic suspension ever devised, especially in the morning. But I like my coffee civet-butt-free.

  4. perhaps that would explain why the coffee at work tastes like crap.

    No, our stuff is cheap...



  5. And in St. Louis: For sale: One albino snake. Has two heads. Asking $150,000 or best offer. The World Aquarium in St. Louis has . . a one-of-a-kind two-headed albino rat snake . . . President Leonard Sonnenschein has decided to sell the reptile, and bidding on will start at $150,000.

    I'm pretty much thinkin' that whoever buys it will be someone with way too much money and way too much time on their hands, who will simply eat it to find out if it tastes like chicken.

    I love my coffee. You are absolutely right when you say that it is the finest organic suspension ever created - But my coffee must remain ASS free, thank you very much. Civet - yeesh.

  6. Did you know that drinking Citet drop coffee is a good way to acquire animal to human disease? Don't drink it, could cost you your life!
