
Thursday, February 09, 2006

They're Back

I heard the metallic chirp of the cardinal before I saw it at the birdfeeder outside my front window. That's how I was able to take this photo of the female we call Claudia and later, the one of her mate, Claudio. They are beautiful guests who come by every year.


  1. We have tons of blue jays here, but very few cardinals.

  2. Oh how lovely!

    I needed a day brightener, thanks for sharing!

  3. That's not only a beautiful picture but also a beautiful bird feeder.

    Very tweet. ;)

  4. Being a Cardinals fan , it seems only appropriate that a cardinal should be the first bird I see this year...

  5. Cardinals are such pretty birds.
    I saw one on the snow when we were visiting relatives in MO. It was such a neat color contrast.

  6. Ahhh, I love birds! We don´t have this variety here, but we do have puffins :)

  7. Your view looks like it's a tiny slice of heaven. Great pictures!

  8. Glad you liked the photos. Aren't digital cameras wonderful?

    mokica: I wish we had puffins, but they like the cold too much to live here.

    esther: my view certainly has its good days. BTW nice to see you again.

  9. I hear that cardinals are mean birds, chasing away any others who would eat seed. But around here, if you have a feeder, you're feeding squirrels.

    can't abide rats with fuzzy tails, so the boids go hungry.

    prety pics!

  10. Birds on the whole are aggressive. The cardinals aren't as bad as the blue jays which we have in greater numbers. I've seen the cardinals wait patiently for the blue jays to leave & then they feed.

    I enjoy watching all of them, even the death-defying acrobatic antics of the squirrels.

  11. birdwoman: I"m shocked. I would you of all people would feed the birdies.
