
Friday, March 10, 2006

Cat Blog Friday

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For this Cat Blog Friday, a kitty version of the happy Friday dance.


  1. That is one cool cat that's hip to the jive! Get down kitty!

  2. My daughter is really enjoying this particular Cat Blog Friday.

  3. rgmb: boogie to the groove now ;-)

    eyes: yes, it is.

    jessey: I'm glad. My daughter found this one for me & she liked it a lot, too.

  4. Woof! But a nice woof. We like that cat!

  5. Way cool! I have to show it to the kids!

  6. That's not funny, that's sick! I can't imagine the torment that poor kitty underwent being forced to dance like that. And don't try to tell me it was special effects, either. I'm calling the ASPCA! Go get that cubical person in Fla., I'll tell them!

  7. *dancing the cat happy dance*

    Fun post, Cube! Nice to make it back here (damn Blogger).

  8. LOVE it!!

    I like how I can make the kitty freeze at any point during the dance. Fun stuff!

  9. That's insane...but I love it too!!!

  10. Noooooooooo!

    That's just plain creepy!

  11. icy: good dog.

    jgm: LOL! *glancing around nervously* You were kidding... right?

    sar: I'm so glad the weekend is here that I could dance too.

    j.d.: how do you do that?

    actonbell: happy weekend to you too!

    trinity: it was indeed a warped mind that made this animation, but I mean that in a good way.

    caz: I'll have to post some canine animatronics just for you dog people.

    jenny aka 867-5309: it's amazing to see you back too!

  12. Its the weekend...I might celebrate with an extra serving of Fancy Feast Seafood Grill...

    or perhaps an extra handfull of Whisker Lickin's Tuna Chicken flavor yummies...

  13. He's got the moves. He's got the motions. Oh yeah, that cat can play.
