
Monday, March 06, 2006


When I first saw this photo, I thought it was a toothless, crack-addled granny...

Can you guess who it is and why he goes out in public looking like this?


  1. Yikes! The years have not been kind to George H.W. Bush.

  2. "Yikes! The years have not been kind to George H.W. Bush"...


  3. Good grief! Eddie Van Halen looks terrible!
    Cancer is a bitch.

  4. Yes, I think that is Eddie Van Halen. I know he has been battling cancer, like the previous commenter said.
    But, rock stars don't need a reason for looking awful.
    For example: The Rolling Stones.
    It's not just old age either, the young ones who live hard show it too. Courtney Love comes to mind.

  5. That is, indeed, Eddie Van Halen. He was born on 1/26/1955 so that makes him 51. I don't keep up with celebrity gossip so I didn't know about his past bout with cancer. I was just shocked at how he looked at the post-Oscar party. BTW that didn't look like Valerie Bertinelli next to I uninformed again?

  6. Eddie had mouth and tongue cancer. Smoking is bad kids. He also was a raging alcoholic for many years. All that liver damage has got to affect your face, and clearly, it does.
    He and Valerie split up for real earlier this year, so he's flying solo these days.
    He really does look 73. He looks worse than Mick and Keith and I totally did not think that was possible for a living human being.

  7. Wow. That's pretty bad.

    Not all of them look that bad, though. Eric Clapton is still holding up pretty well. David Bowie looks ok, but only because he was always kind of too skinny and overdone. I guess that's all that I can think of.

  8. Haven't seen Clapton recently, but Bowie has held up OK. I mean, he always looked like a twig that was on the verge of breaking into not much has changed.

  9. The name of the image gave it away; I never would have guessed. Bummer about the cancer. I'm still floored about Christopher Reeve's widow. She wasn't even a smoker. :(

  10. wow, he looks ancient. Like dorian grey's pic.


  11. Jessey - Mick & Keith: human? Surely you jest? They still share equally billing as number one worst looking people on the planet.
