
Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Miracle Beer

From Reuters: Haldis Gundersen thought she was in heaven when beer instead of water flowed from the taps in her apartment in west Norway.

In a country where beer is among the most expensive in the world (a 0.7 pint costing about $7.48 in a bar), it might've have appeared like a water to beer miracle, but it wasn't. Apparently a worker in a bar two floors below had mixed up the pipes and wrongly connected a new beer barrel to a water pipe leading to Gundersen's apartment. The bar got water in its beer taps.

Talk about lite beer!

It's good to live in America.


  1. Light Beer! Excellent commentary, Cube. I heard this on the news this morning. Too funny.

    Hey, I saw on that today is Pi day.

  2. I saw that yesterday and had a good laugh as well. Poor woman couldn't even drink it because it was flat! Too bad.

    Now if they could get margaritas to come out of my tap, THAT would be news!!

  3. sar: yes, Happy pi day! I didn't post it because I thought everybody else would...that's what I get for thinking ;-)

    rgmb: margaritas, un-flat beer.. it's all good.

    jen: I know. You can't make this stuff up.

  4. I think Iceland even tops that price. We are infamous for our ability to tax alcohol in this country where you can spend an entire day walking from one AA meeting to the next!

  5. If beer came out of my tap, my first thought would be:
    Is that pee?

  6. sometimes when I run my water at home I think it is Rocky Mountain piss water...then I just remember its L.A...

  7. Seven dollars and 48 cents for 2/3rds of a pint of beer? Applying simple math I find that a night out (by myself, of course) would cost more than $12,000. I'm never going to Norway.

  8. That is hilarious! Call out for pizza and fill all your pitchers at the sink! LOL

  9. I'm not sure how I would react if I saw beer coming out of my faucet. If it wasn't as dark as Guninness, I might assume it's just somebody's pee and avoid it.

    Then again, if it were any beer lighter than Guinness, I would avoid that, too.

