Fox News anchor Brit Hume exposed the duplicity of former Clinton CENTCOM commander, Anthony Zinni on last night's Special Report.
Zinni now says that in the lead up to the Iraq war, "There was no solid proof, that I ever saw, that Saddam had WMD."
But Brit, doing what a journalist is supposed to do, dug up this little Zinni Zinger which shows that in early 2000, Zinni told Congress "Iraq remains the most significant near-term threat to U.S. interests in the Arabian Gulf region," adding, "Iraq probably is continuing clandestine nuclear research, [and] retains stocks of chemical and biological munitions ... Even if Baghdad reversed its course and surrendered all WMD capabilities, it retains scientific, technical, and industrial infrastructure to replace agents and munitions within weeks or months."
Either the General lied in 2000 or he is lying now. I guess once a dishonest Clinton apologist, always a dishonest Clinton apologist.
Thank goodness there are still some competent journalists out there.
You go, Brit!
Cube-I just saw that you were the one I got that photo from--I am so sorry I didn't give you credit for it, it's been so long since I had first saw it on your site and emailed it to my friends and family, so now when I went to post it I had completely forgotten where I had gotten it from. I really am sorry for the slight and I have corrected it on my blog. BTW-It really is the funniest sign I think I have ever seen!
ReplyDeleteMSM probably won't cover this little goof - after all, it isn't a Republican that lied, on the record, without anyone having to distort facts to prove it.
ReplyDeleteGood to know!
ReplyDeleteRight. This is why we have to get news from sources other than the main stream media.
ReplyDeleteAmen to that! I would really like to see more of this type of news reporting, whether it exposes people on "my" side or not.
ReplyDeletePeople's feet should be held to the fire no matter who they are.
That's exactly what a free press should be doing, but it's not. The MSM is is only assiduously going after one side...the right.