
Thursday, April 20, 2006

H5N1 Killer

From The Daily Record comes this good news about the bird flu

No-Germs, a simple hand spray, was more tha 99.8 per cent efficient in killing H5N1, the virus that causes bird flu.

The discovery has been heralded as a "major breakthrough" - particularly if the virus ever mutates into a human form.


  1. If it mutates, I'll be spraying my family and myself from head to toe. I wonder if it comes in a bubble bath?

  2. I meant to thank you for your cool haiku :-)

  3. Wow - mom was right. "Wash your hands, you'll get sick if you don't" - who knew?

  4. People who work in an office environment would be very vulnerable, since they are surrounded by germs and they don't have access to washing their hands as often. In a nutshell, most people at the office don't wash their hands enough.

    They should put out those antibacterial dispensers all over the place in office buildings.

  5. That's great news! I'm tryin' to figure out what kinda bird you have pictured!

    btw, Eli posted a long reply to you over at my place from a couple days ago.

  6. j.d.: you and me both.

    eyes: cleanliness is next to godliness in my book. I wash my hands all the time.

    jen: thanks, but it was thrown together. I wish I'd had time to come up with something better.

    cary: mothers are always right.

    phoenix: antibacterial soap stations will be the future water coolers.

    karen: it's just a rooster up close & personal. eli did what?

    actonbell: is that some new fangled haiku?

  7. woooooooo purdy colors on that there birdie..lolz
    sure hope this bird flu thang is another scare with little basis in fact tho!

  8. Yep, it's been well known for decades that washing your hands often - even if only with water, if no soap is available - is the single most important thing anyone can do to help avoid colds & flu.

    Don't use those blow-dryers in public toilets though, they leave your hands damp & warm, the perfect breading ground for germs.

    Interesting about this spray thing, but the virus has not mutated, yet, as far as we know, and when or if it does, the nature of the mutation & the transmission from person to person can't be anticipated (well, only to some degree), so this is no "break through", unless people handling birds in Asia are all going to start using the spray, for example. Still, it will be good for their share price, for a short while.

  9. I think this is good news. Basically this means the bird flu won't be as bad as the worst case scenario tells us. This organism can be killed, relatively easily & cheaply.

  10. Good point, and worth keeping in mind, from the bird flu site:

    "If you can't get ahold of No-Germs, you can always use a mix of water and lemon juice. Citrus juices, and even honey, are some of the most powerful anti-bacterials ever disccovered."

