
Friday, April 07, 2006

Never Forget Why We Fight

From the New York Sun comes this article by Alicia Colon entitled High Time For A 9/11 Wake Up Call that succinctly makes the case that it isn't too soon to see images of September 11th, such as the trailer for the "United 93" movie.

It would be helpful if some Americans (and you know who you are) would not only never forget why we fight, but just try to remember why we do.


  1. I really don't care about that "United 93" version of events, but I do think the real footage of the planes slamming/buildings falling/etc. should be aired regularly. Almost like the National Anthem thing airing every night on broadcast TV. It should be shown every morning at schools.

    Repeat often.. Until the other half of this country finally gets it!

  2. Amen! Americans have become too complacent about the entire September 11 incident and I fear the arrogance of "it can't happen to us" is settling in again.

    The movie "United 93" will affect everyone differently but I'll never forget being on the telephone THAT MORNING with my son who was a US Marine Corps Recruiter stationed near Pittsburgh telling me, "I don't know what's going on Mom but they say there's an airplane circling above us that won't identify itself."

    Please, America, don't ever forget and especially don't ever forget our soldiers who work toward vindication of September 11 every day of their lives.

  3. I don't understand how any American CAN forget, but we have proved that this event was just a blip on the radar screen for some.
    I did not lose anyone that I knew, but the raw emotion of that day still lingers with me.
    I'm often flummoxed by how some act as if fighting terrorism should be on the back burner. 9-11 isn't just a wake up call, it is what we will be facing more and more of if we don't take the threat seriously.

  4. I don't know about playing the footage repeatedly. It will probably desensitize people.

    I do think films like United 93 is one way to pay respects to those who died fighting evil...The History Channel and Discovery also have aired amazing documentaries. I still get that sick sinking feeling in my stomach everytime I see any image from that horrible day.

  5. Wow, AMEN, Cube! Thank you.


  6. I don´t know what to say whenever confronted with teh 9/11 incident. Only...that I am truly sorry that teh world is not a better place!

  7. As long as the world remains as it is, right, wrong or indifferent, there are times when a government must act determinedly and forcefully on behalf of its citizens, to protect, preserve and ensure their right to exist, free. At these times that government must draw the line and even act overtly, in answer to those of another ideology or government that would seek to do harm to those people living in freedom and peace that there is a price to be paid by those who would seek to take life by force and kill wantonly, those who enjoy those freedoms. This is rightful and honorable, and the rightful and honorable duty of a government established “for the people, of the people and by the people”, and the enduring responsibility and duty of those who would answer freedoms call for themselves and in preservation of freedom for others, to put on the uniform of that country and fight to preserve what others seek to destroy. Until all peoples find peace in their heart to live in peace with all peoples, a government and its people, acting in freedom and the name of all its people, and all others who love freedom and the right to determine their free destiny, must at times be willing to raise a sword to ensure that the ideals of “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” for a freedom loving people, endure.

  8. "It would be helpful if some Americans (and you know who you are) would not only never forget why we fight, but just try to remember why we do."

    Well said, Cube.

    -- david

  9. I don't think we should ever forget, but I do feel we live in an age where Hollywood doesn't wait to capitalize on tragedy, ie the Flight 93 film and the upcoming Oliver Stone 911 picture. I can't judge either film until I've seen them though, but one spot I saw about F93 tried really hard, perhaps too hard, to dress it up as a noble thing by including the family members who were ok with the movie being made so soon. Was there a movie about Pearl Harbor right after it happened? JFK?

    The stories are important, and need to be told, for the right reasons. Hopefully, that's why these films are being made and not for some studio to profit...

  10. Movie studios are in business to make money. I don't begrudge them that.

    I am angered by the amount of breast-beating surrounding the Flight 93 movie because it is disengunous.

    I didn't hear cries of "too soon", or see this amount of handwringing when Michael Moore's movie about 9/11 came out.

  11. BTW disingenuous is how I meant to spell it. Sometimes my fingers work faster than my brain ;-)

  12. Well, no one cried "too soon" with Moore because that would imply that at some point it would be ok to watch that fat b@$t@rd for two hours. =)

    I guess I'm thinking there are plenty of made-up stories for Hollywood to profit from(heck the way Moore edits stuff, his movie was make-believe too). If they want to make a movie about 911, make it a documentary and not a dramatization. Pearl Harbor is the perfect example. It's a crappy love triangle story and oh, by the way, there's this really horrific attack that happens, but more importantly, which actor gets the girl? That's my fear with any dramatization of the events but, I am reserving judgment until I see these movies.

  13. No one cried too soon because it was an anti-American and anti-Bush screed. They don't like anything that portrays Americans as heroes.

  14. I for one really don't care what America is fighting for any more I moved away along time ago. What I want to know is why are we in Iraq when almost all of the high jackers came from Saudi Arabia and Yemen? Why didn't we kick those fuckin rag heads asses also?
    I fought in the first Iraq war and under stood why we were there but this BS our soldiers are going through now, I have no idea why it is happening and I get the feeling neither does our government.
    Yes I voted for Bush but I wouldn't do it again if he could run again. I believe he has damned our nation for a long time. Time to put someone like McCain in office.


  15. Maybe it's good that you're not here anymore. If you're not with us, then go where you're comfortable. We wouldn't want to keep anyone here against their will...
