
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Superannuated Fruitcake

No, I'm not talking about George Soros. This is about a Wisconsin man who discovered a fruitcake that had been packed away in his mother's attic for 44 years. The fruitcake, which was still in its original tin and wrapped in paper, hadn't changed at all.

Does anybody really eat fruitcake? I've heard that there are really only about 5 fruitcakes in the whole world and people just keep re-gifting them.


  1. Sunmaid, the raisin company, makes a fruitcake that's really quite tasty. You have to keep it in the fridge. Other than that, most fruitcake is only fit to use as a blunt instrument. Hammer with it? OK. Eat it? Nah.

  2. I've eaten some I think when I was little. I remember the fruit pieces were hard and chewy at the same time.

    Fruitcake is a WMD.

  3. Everyone hates marzipan icing too.

    What really happens to all those teeny weeny slices of wedding cake…?

  4. I think my dad's the only guy I know who actually likes it....

  5. I've never ever tasted one...I'm too afraid.
