
Monday, May 15, 2006

Blame America First Liberals

From The Washington By Ralph Z. Hallow comes this article about conservative icon and one of my heroes, Dr. Jeane Kirkpatrick.

The article deserves a read whatever your political stance, but here is a snippet: In 1984 Kirkpatrick argued that America's "posture of continuous self-abasement and apology vis-a-vis the Third World is neither morally necessary nor politically appropriate" and concluded that the McGovern-Carter crowd had confused "liberal idealism ... with masochism."

With the exception of good ole Zell Miller, they sure don't make Democrats like her anymore.


  1. Hey there Cube!.." had confused "liberal idealism ... with masochism."
    ..couldnt have said it better mahself!

  2. Liberal Idealism is confused with it's self.
    I saw a great pic. It said " Try rooting for our side for a change.
    Root for real freedom fighters".
    It is old, but still rings true.

  3. Kirkpatrick saw today's problem over 20 years ago. There are still liberals actively fighting against America's best interests & no one has stopped them yet. That's sad.

  4. Hi Cube! I'm a friend of Nanc's--she told me to check your blog out. Nice stuff. Too bad Zell decided to retire from politics--he was the only diamond in the rough the dems had.
    Sam Nunn was good too--but that's waaaay back.

  5. Why do these liberals hate their own country so much?

  6. I think they believe that their only chance to regain power is if the conservatives screw up. The libs are actively trying to bring that about regardless of the effect it has on the country.

  7. florian: welcome. Feel free to look around.

  8. phoenix - liberals NEED something to hate, so why not our country. i should know having grown up in a liberal household - talk about a bunch of grudge holders - my own mother will still bring up things that happened thirty years ago - bless her cold heart...

    they love nothing more than to see something fall on its face. that's why they're liberals and we're not.

    our family likes joe lieberman, but even he has his drawbacks. no one will be perfect for the job. and we only really love them ten to twelve years after they're out of office. or so statistics prove.

    zell miller is definitely a democrat i for - THERE, I SAID IT!
