
Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Border Blues

Don't just whine about the illegal immigration problem, do something about it. Find out what you can do at .

[The BLOG note: Hat tip to prying1 for the link.]


  1. I am not sure I want to close the American Border, however am I gonna visit?! :)

  2. We are only closing it for illegal immigrants. There are still many avenues for legal immigration. So come on down, monica ;-)

  3. Aw, cube... All that "grassroots" type of stuff (online petitions, etc.) is for Liberals. :) By nature, they hate America and hard work, so they have much more free time to waste than we do. I can't remember the last time an online petition accomplished anything.

    Twisting the arms of our weenie politicans until they beg for mercy... or... threatening to cut-off their precious campaign funding... Those are more my style.

  4. tlm: usually I agree, but this crop of gutless politicians does listen to the unwashed masses. It's the squeaky wheel that will get the grease.

  5. Last month we had a rally at the GA capital protesting illegals--it was a joke. More illegal counter-protesters showed up than people on our side.
    American's don't take this seriously enough. Makes me ill.

  6. I sign so many of Grassfire's petitions, and still our so-called elected representatives go their merry, idiotic, and endangering-America way.

  7. Securing our borders is something we need to do, but I think a few thousand National Guard troops just won't be able to do the job.

  8. Grrrrrrrrrrr!..I cant even think bout this anymore Cube..mah brain hurts!

  9. florian: you're right. There is much apathy out there. Too many people who don't even know what's going on around them because they're too preoccupied with entertainment to worry about survival.

  10. phoenix: securing the border is imperative. The National Guard's help is a start.

  11. I find it odd that some people (Arnold Schwarzenegger) are saying that we shouldn't use the National Guard to secure the border.
    What parts of National and/or Guard are unclear?
    If we don't have a border, we don't have a country.

  12. This problem has been festering for years and people like Arnold have their panties in a bunch because they want an instant solution. Well a solution isn't going to happen over night.

    The National Guard is temporary and just a start. Better fences are needed in places, more Border Patrol agents are needed in others, & enforcement of the laws on the books is required.
