
Thursday, May 11, 2006

Ranting Stooge

When he's not busy hurling insults to the U.S. and Israel, Iranian President Mahmoud Amadinejad finds time to demonstrate the defense to the 3 Stooges double eye poke.

Seems like every day, we hear some new pronouncement from this apocalyptic-minded lunatic. Why is our press hanging on every word that comes out of this loon's mouth?


  1. Why is he still even being acknowledged for anyone to even poke fun of or analyze?..he has waged open war on the US and Israel...hmmmmm...what is up his terrorist sleeve Cube?..GRR!

  2. I think the press is so fascinated withing for the simple fact that he's just a whole freak show himself.

  3. Say what you will about Mahmoud's stooginess, but he does have quite an impressive head of hair on him! And he's 50!

    I'm curious, though, as to why he doesn't cover it up with one of those tablecloth doo-rag thingys (like his homeboy Arafat did)...

    Is Iran now one of these progressive Islamofacist countries, like Iraq?

  4. Good question. I don't know for sure, but Ahmadinenutjob just allowed the Iranian women to watch soccer matches. *Oooooh*Ahhhhh* He must be a progressive. Yeah, right.

    The common denominator between Amadinenutjob and the MSM is a hatred of Bush. Strange bedfellows indeed.

  5. tlm: they wear little sheets on their heads, consequently they prefer the term "little sheet-heads".

  6. seems to me he is about to smash a stone in two. Ji-ha!

  7. jen: oh, a wiseguy, eh? nyuk nyuk nyuk.

  8. Ah, crap! You beat me to the "nyuk nyuk nyuk." Why, I oughta....
