
Saturday, May 27, 2006

Remember The Fallen

Freedom's Colors

Red is for Bravery;
blood shed in sacrifice.
Freedom came with lives the price.

White is for Liberty;
freedom's purity.
Life be free from God's decree.

Blue is for Justice;
as vast as the sky.
Over freedom's land to occupy.

[The BLOG note: Poem ©2002 Roger W Hancock (]


  1. Yes, let's support our troops by bringing them home from this illegal war, befure even more die. What a wretched waste, what a humiliating new low in our country's history this illegal war has been.

  2. I would dare say the term "rules of war" is an oxymoron to the Islamofacists.

    Willie, they are not concerned with legality. They want you dead, infidel!

  3. guess you would fight the Islamofascists by asking them to stop hurting us. Maybe if you say "pretty please with sugar on top" they'll stop flying airplanes into our buildings and become our friends.

    Try to remember that it isn't Vietnam anymore, willie. It's a post-9/11 world, whether you like it or not.

  4. oh please willie pull your head out of obl's *ss before you suffocate.

  5. Cube nice poem,have a great
    Memorial Day.

  6. I believe I can speak for all of my American cat brethren in saying that we are very proud of our soldiers who are fighting every day for us OVER THERE so we don't have to be afraid of the bad guys coming OVER HERE.

  7. Nice post.

    Hope you are enjoying the Memorial Day weekend!

  8. brooke: amen.

    elmer's bro: ditto.

    jen, michelle, & marti: thanks. hope yours is good too.

    poppy: from your cat's mouth to God's ears.

  9. I honor their sacrifice. I remember them and am grateful to them.

  10. A very good few lines to sum up the sentiment!
    It is good to remember those that brought us the freedom and liberty we sometimes take for granted!

  11. Three cheers for the red white and blue Cube!,,hope ya had a great holiday!!

  12. Three cheers indeed! And yes, I had a great day with my family.

  13. Had soldiers throughout history not stood the line, antiwar/anti Iraq folks would not have the freedom to whine. I guess some folks just don't get it, or are simply selfish about the freedom they have and don't want others to share in it. By fighting for the freedom of Iraqi's over there and giving them an opportunity to claim and establish their own democracy and freedom, the freedoms of every free and democratic country, including this one, are enhanced. If you want to ensure your own freedom, give it to others. For instance, had this country not fought for the freedom of Europe and AsiaPac, our own freedoms could have and probably would have been lost as well. There were plenty of whiners talking anti-war then, just as there are now, thank goodness there voices did not drown out the voices of those with the guts and the will to do what was needed, for the citizens of this country and for others as well.

    There is nothing “illegal” about a war to rid the world of a dictatorial despot, a killer of his own people and murderer of some 300,000 souls who lie in mass graves in Iraq. If the free people in this world had the will to do so more often, there would be a lot of people in other countries not suffering under despots as they are now.

    I flew my American flag with pride this weekend. I flew it to honor those who have died for my freedom and yes, even the freedom of the ungrateful and selfish whiners. I will continue to fly it and wave it will pride and with honor as long as there are brave and noble men and woman who are willing to make a stand, to take their place alongside others in battle, who understand freedom is not free and that when there is no-one to defend freedom and fight for it, there are a multitude of “obl's *ss” and others who will go to any length and use any means to take it from those who have freedom or keep others from obtaining it.

  14. Amen, anonymous. I couldn't have said it better myself.
