
Friday, June 09, 2006


From comes this story about a Democratic activist who left an envelope stuffed with dog feces at the office of Republican U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave's Colorado office.

The article continues, "Musgrave spokesman Shaun Kenney said someone stuffed the envelope through the mail slot in the door on May 31 and then sped away in a car. Kenney said most of the preprinted return address was blacked out, but staffers used the nine-digit ZIP code to trace it to Kathleen Ensz, a Weld County Democratic volunteer."

The spokesman for Musgrave's likely Democratic opponent assures us that Kathleen Ensz [the vice chairwoman of a state Senate district committee for the county Democratic Party] is not associated with their campaign.

Yeah right. So much for tolerance and brains!


  1. Stupidity has no political affiliations!

  2. If your going to prank someone, why would you leave them your zip code??? Crazyhead!

  3. Shit for brains I'd reckon ..Eh Cube.

  4. I'm sorry, I laughed so hard at the throw away at the top I missed the rest of the post, since I was drinking my water at the time. How about a warning next time, sunshine?

  5. proof - idiots come in the form of liberal dog turds. not meant to offend what comes out of a dog's hiney...

  6. Oh, now, come on. The only stupid thing here was the return address.

    You've got to admit, there's nothing funnier or more classic than the "flaming bag of dog doo" gag.


  7. Yes, I guess this brainiac didn't finish reading her copy of Dog Doo Doo Deliveries For Dummies.

  8. As discussed before flinging poo is a liberal aphrodesiac.

  9. Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, DUMB!

  10. Hey cube,is that a version
    of the mafia leaving a horses
    head in your bed.I would prefer
    the feces in the envelope myself.
    Have a great weekend.

  11. cary: I hope your keyboard survived the spit-take, but I do warn people who come here. The top banner reads, "Beware of The BLOG"

  12. This prank sounds like something those Kennedy boys like to do after a night of heavy drinking.

  13. I can't believe someone would be so stupid as to use an envelope with a pre-printed return address on it...come on!

    Next time, just get a brown paper bag...but NOT the one that had your lunch in it and your name in black marker written ON it...that's just as bad as the traceable 9-digit zip. Airhead.

  14. I enjoyed my visit. I came over from Jamie's place.

  15. This is insane. Any idiot would know that you always send dog poop via FedEx.

  16. jessey: so true.

    raggedy: thank you.

    sweatpantsmom: LOL!

  17. I pity the dog that has to endure this owner.

  18. Am I the only one wondering how they sealed this envelope? Please, please tell me that she didn't lick the flap?

  19. jen: good point. Maybe it was one of those new saliva-conserving envelopes that just seal like a sticker?

  20. Awww... NASTY!

    I didn't even consider that angle!

  21. Whoa how low can they stoop?..UGH!

  22. Good question. Near me the Dems stooped low enough to slit the tires of the Republican vehicles on election day in 2004. There is no low low enough for them.
