
Thursday, June 15, 2006

Head Loss

From Reuters comes this news that one of England's most prestigious art galleries put a block of slate on display, topped by a small piece of wood, in the mistaken belief it was a work of art.

The Royal Academy included the chunk of stone and the small bone-shaped wooden stick in its summer exhibition in London. The sculpture itself -- of a human head -- was nowhere to be found.

Well, lah dee dah!

This just goes to show you that not even art experts know art.


  1. Har, JD!

    That's why I don't think the government should be funding art. For goodness sakes, if you can't define it, there's no reasonable way to fund it! I have nothing against art, but stuff like Pisschrist doesn't make headlines unless someone's complaining about taxpayer money paying for it.

    Seriously, this article cracks me up.

  2. I hope this is a big "heads up" for all those art experts out there.

  3. Hee hee. I just tee them up & you hit them them out of the park.

  4. Methinks heads will roll at the Royal Academy!!!

  5. Hey, the fifth from the left is the one I used to wear back in the 90ies:)
    I think there are no rule sto art anymore. I saw an icelandic exhibition today and one display featured...a bunch of red balloon placed around in no particular way.
    Good Stuff!

  6. I had to do a double today, I some how missed the google one two. I am all caught up now. Time to head out. Have a great day!

    Ps. I liked the picture....

  7. I'll bet his new found success didn't go the artist's head. (*groan*)

  8. Love the puns, even the bad ones

    minka: which row?

  9. From the article:

    But the slate was actually a plinth and the stick was designed to prop up a sculpture. The sculpture itself -- of a human head -- was nowhere to be seen.


  10. That just goes to show you that anything can be labeled "modern art."


  11. It's such a hoot. You know the worlds of art (and fashion) are full of ridiculous crap when not even the so called "experts" can sort it out.
