
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Pom Flower

Yes, I'm posting a gratuitous dog photo for the cat haters out there... you know who you are!

This cute little pomeranian reminds me of my dog-niece, Lulu.


  1. actually, i find both disgusting creatures - dogs eat poop and lick their hind ends! and puppies turn into dogs eventually. cute for a moment or six.

    now hamsters, fish and chickens (not all) are more my cup of tea.

  2. nanc, we have dogs and cats and i love to tell my dog to kiss my husband after she's meticulously cleaned herself all over. It may be disgusting, but it's worth the hearty laugh of watching my husband duck and cover.

    cube, adorable photo---what no iPod?

  3. FINALLY...a cute dog picture. Thank you so much.

  4. I couldn't help it.... I looked at the picture and burst out laughing.

    Very cute.

  5. What a cute picture! The new poster child for flower power.

  6. BIG dogs or cats. Little dogs yap too much.

  7. I'm a sucker for all animals, from the tiny to the large.

  8. I'm glad my sister doesn't dress her pomeranian like this. It is a bit demeaning...of course, we do put antlers on our German shepherd at Christmas time. Is that any less demeaning than flower petals?

  9. cube, i'm a past shepherd owner and great lover of shepherds so I'd say antlers are much more appropriate than flower petals on that noble breed.

  10. Yes, I see: humiliating, demeaning token photo of rat sized dog. Mmmmmm.

  11. if i tried to put some antlers on our shepherd/wolf mix, why she'd go take down a buck and drag him home for jerky fixin's! she'd much rather be in a rut!

  12. you should meet my "goldie" and "chleo"; you would love these little buttercup bantams. they even come when i call them. i say, "mama (loud to goldie) and chleo-he's-a-bird!" they come running and want to sit in my lap as i feed them sunflower seeds.

    goldie is just over six years old and chleo, her son, is five years old. if and when they die, a visit to the taxidermist will be in order.

  13. rgmb: My dog disagrees. She acts as though we're torturing her when we drag out the antlers for Christmas photos.

    caz: OK, I will post a humiliating photo of a larger dog to prove that I'm an equal opportunity humiliator ;-)

    nanc: I love chickens too. I'd like to see a photo of goldie & chleo one of these days...*hint* hint*

  14. bw: that little dog couldn't reach past my ankle!

  15. best site

  16. best site
