
Saturday, July 22, 2006


The superheroes, Storm Troopers, and assorted science fiction fans descended on San Diego this Thursday for Comic-Con, the nation's largest celebration of comic books and pop culture.

According to this Yahoo article, more than 100,000 fans are expected to attend the four-day event.

May the farce be with you.


  1. lol at the bush shoes.
    good posts.
    have a wonderful day

  2. I have a few friends down there this weekend. A few NUTTY friends. Love the super-dog! Im-a steal that pic!

  3. That would be one fine looking dog, if only he had ears.

    Perhaps lost them for the higher good.

    What a dog!

  4. Blogger Curare has a miniature schnauzer (sp?) that looks eerily like Batman already with his pointy ears. Just strap a utility belt on him and he'd be a kick at Comicon.

    -- david

  5. raggedy: super hugs for you today :-)

    rhodester: I wish I knew your friends; they sound cool. Use the pix as you see fit. Not a problem :-)

    caz: here I post about a non-cat & you complain that it has no ears. Oy! What's a blogger
    supposed to do? Why I oughtta...

    david: Batman is no match for Superman. Never has been, never will.

  6. Hey cubular, hope you ain't intendin' to bash up ole Caz. She is after all a grandma. Gotta make allowances I reckon.!!

  7. kathy: caz doesn't need to fear me. I can only virtually bash ;-)

  8. Cube, my friend Chris Dennis makes an appearance at comic con every year, and so do two employees who work at the video store my wife manages - they both requested the same time off for it and she's so nice that she gave it to them and as a result had to work her rear end off all weekend.

  9. Rhodester: What a colorful cast of characters to sidekick with

  10. LOL! A greyhound IS faster than a speeding bullet!
