
Sunday, July 23, 2006

Funny Math

For more funny math answers, go to .


  1. Cube, THOSE ARE HYSTERICAL!!! I needed a good morning laugh and you absolutely supplied it! I don't know which is my favorite, but probably the hanged man at the end of a problem, which is how I felt a lot when trying to solve equations.

    The "expand" one was good too. But honestly where did that hole come from?

  2. lmao, great link..
    Have a wonderful day!
    (=':'=) meow hugs
    (")_ (")Š from da Raggedy one

  3. Glad you all liked it. I thought it was a hoot myself.

    rgmb: The two hypotenuse slopes are not equal (slopes are 3/8 and 2/5) or straight (one is convex & the other convex). It's a very clever way of hiding just enough area.

  4. eyes: no way! This stuff is clever.

  5. wendy: you are going to see a lot of this stuff in the future. Get ready.

  6. For the first time in a long, long time, you've made math fun. You are divine.

    -- david

  7. cube, your mind is much more beautiful than mine!

  8. me too, woman - but i do keep a balanced checkbook and that's what really matters!

    the hubby and kidz think it's FUN to sit around on a rainy afternoon doing trigonometry - what a bunch of geeks!

  9. Aw shucks, all this praise is going to swell my polygonal head

    rgmb: I meant convex & concave. D'oh, if only I could type well...

    woman & nanc: Math's lack of ambiguity has always appealed to me. No other subject has the purity of the one problem/one solution structure.

  10. Unfortunately, this link isn't opening up today. Don't know why.

  11. In all fairness, the direction said to "Find x." Now, if the direction had said "Find the value ofx" I could understand why it was marked wrong.

    I argued this one in my Algebra class, and the teacher conceded the point. Of course, that was many, many moons ago...

  12. cary: heh heh.Talk about parsing words long ago and in a galaxy far, far away ;-)

  13. I loooove the "expand" one!

  14. Those were HILARIOUS! I passed this page on to my husband and my dad...
