
Thursday, July 06, 2006

Happy Birthday, Jenn!

Happy Birthday to my eldest, who turns 16 today.


  1. happy sweet sixteen!! She must be a sugar cube...

  2. Happy birthday to u happy birthday to u Happy birthday dear Jennnnnnnnnnnn!!! 16 I remember that..sorta kinda..LOL..:)

  3. rgmb: sugar cube. Very clever. I like that.

    woman: yeah, me too. It's sorta been a long time for me ;-)

  4. Hope she had a great one! Ah, yes 16, the fun is just starting!

  5. Come on folks, I haven't seen 16 for 16 years. : )

  6. 16 is one of the best birthdays... specially for a girl. hope you both have a wonderfl day.

    16 year old daughter... time for you to polish up the rocking chair and the shot gun adn sit ont he porch, hmmmm?

  7. Sweet sixteen! Happy birthday to your girl. What a special time in her life.

    Are you going to have 50 Cent rap at her Sweet 16 birthday bash?

  8. Happiest of Birthdays to the cubelette...

    On my 16th birthday, I took mom's station wagon out for a little cruise. Ended up in the ditch, and the highway patrol had no sympathy or humor. Neither did mom and Dad; they let me walk while the judge was holding my license.

  9. jill: yes, but not too much fun...

    jenn of the jungle: your're an older & wiser jenn, but you're welcome here.

    dak: I'm already on said porch with said shotgun. You can't be too careful ;-)

    phoenix: I'm going to keep that hip hop rot as far away from my daughter as possible.

    cary: Don't give my little cubelette any ideas! Sheesh ;-)

  10. My oldest is five. I shudder to think of her driving and dating!

    Happy 16th, cubette!

  11. brooke: I'm warning you now... shudder...shudder... be warned!

  12. oh happy day! and now a word from dr. hook and the medicine show:

    "She was only sixteen, only sixteen
    But I loved her so
    But she was too young to fall in love
    And I was too young to know

    We'd laugh and we'd sing and do funny things
    And it made our hearts glow
    But she was too young to fall in love
    And I was too young to know

    So why did I give my heart so fast
    It never will happen again
    But I was a mere child of sixteen
    I've aged a year since then

    She was only sixteen, only sixteen
    Ooooh, with eyes that would glow
    But she was too young to fall in love
    And I was too young to know

    So why did I give my heart so fast
    It never will happen again
    But I was a mere child of sixteen
    I've aged a year since then

    Now she was only sixteen, only sixteen
    Ooooh, but I loved that girl so
    But she was too young to fall in love
    And I was too young to know

    Yes, she was too young to fall in love
    And I, I was too young
    I was much too young to know"

    nanc says, "i forgot more than you'll ever know!" still forgettin' and loving every minute of it!

  13. nanc: I didn't know you sang ;-)

  14. only when i want the entire church to myself...

  15. Sweet 16!
    I hope her day was a good one.

    Happy Belated B-day, Jenn!!!!
    (You deserve a new car. Make sure you whine a lot until you get one.)

  16. j.d.: you hush or I'll set Courtney & Taylor on you!
