
Monday, August 14, 2006


Yes, Mahmoud has a blog. Read about his rants

On his first entry he asks, "Do you think that the U.S. and Israeli intention and goal by attacking Lebanon is pulling the trigger for another world war?" the president asks visitors to the site, offering them the choice to vote 'yes' or 'no'.

Oh, Margaret. This guy just gets loonier by the day.


  1. Oh, good! Now the Dems will have an easy go-to place for their talking points!

  2. The people in the middle east have a very different life style than we do. Thousands of years have gone by and really nothing has changed. Even the "Democratic" styles of government are nothing like what we, at less than 300 years, view democratic freedom. What we deem irrational, to them is normal. Scary! Talk about a culture clash. But, what will our fearless leader and his company do abuot this. Is there anything we can do? We could blow the entire middle east off the map, then what?

  3. the whole thing is beyond belief, especially since they don't follow the thinking of 'MAD' (mutual assured destruction) to dissuade why should he even care about posing the quesiton, other than to manipulate some fear in others....

  4. This is the face of our modern day Hitler, i.e., WWII without Japan. Although, when you factor in Kimmie, it does bring a new dimension into the mix. Food for thought.

  5. Now we can read the ramblings of our psychotic enemy.

  6. always: mahmoud's insipid blog
    is intended to reach the large young Iranian blogging population. I think they're 4th in the world for blogging.
