
Friday, August 11, 2006

Cool Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... one cool cat & lead singer of The Kitty Band.

I know I've posted this before, but I still love it.

Happy Friday, everybody!


  1. that MAY be THE cat even i could get along with - slightly rebellious, yet very good looking - and if the beret was chartreuse...naaaaah...pkak...dayam!

  2. That's one coooool cat, all right!

    Nice to start the day with a smile.

  3. nanc: I'll keep trying to find the right cat for you.

    aow: thanks.

    brooke: did you click on The Kitty Band?

  4. That is one cool cat, cube!
    Cute kitty band too.

    Glad you made it back from the twilight zone mate.

    BTW ebuc visit JGM'S BLOG and watch the "tin foil hat" song I'm sure you'll love it! I think it's a real hoot..

  5. So, this is your contribution to being carbon-neutral: recycling Cat Friday's.


    It may catch on.

    Perhaps Al will mention it in his next book.

    {And yes, you will enjoy the tin foil hate song over at Drunka's place - a sing along for the whole family really.)

  6. Ahh CAZ... YOU ARE TOO FUNNY!!!

  7. caz: heh heh. Recycling is good, but being a carbon-based lifeform, I find it really hard to be carbon neutral. If anything I root for carbon. C-A-R-B-O-N, Go Carbon!

  8. yhtak: it is most amusing. What are the Spankhurts supposed to be?
    They look rather cat-like.

  9. Actually, cube, I thought that they were cats too, but it turns out that they are otters! Still cute though.

  10. Thanks. I never would've thought they were otters... maybe ocelots, but never otters.
