
Thursday, August 17, 2006

Inbox Insight

You are your inbox.

According to psychologist Dave Greenfield, who founded the Center for Internet Behavior in West Hartford, Connecticut, the state of your inbox is a reflection of your habits, your mental health and, yes, even the way your parents raised you.

Hoarders vs. Deleters: What your inbox says about you
is a short read and, whether inboxes are a metaphor for our lives or not, it does make some interesting points about inbox management.

What does your inbox look like?


  1. ok now I found out I'm an emotional wreck!..ROFL!..yay for more studies!

  2. My real and virtual inboxes are both way full. Yikes!

  3. I think this is true. My inbox in ALWAYS up to date with spam or unneeded email deleted.
    Inbox neatness is next to godliness.

  4. Oh, I'm the same way with the DVR. I hate for programs that have been watched and are not being saved for any purpose are left to languish for days and days and days on the DVR. My family calls me The Deletor.

  5. j.d.: that's sick. Sick, I tell you!

  6. Wow, that really is true. I'm a filer...constantly moving stuff so I won't misplace it. Well, having a blog alliance does that. I have to keep track of new members as well as author and publicist contacts. :)

  7. who paid for this completely inane study? who on earth really cares that i have two to three hundred unread and/or unanswered e-mails in all two of my inboxes?

    does anybody need a job as a lowly mail clerk....

  8. They're tyring so hard not to offend anyone, thus rendering their own analysis pretty useless. Having a bet each way isn't very honest.

    "If you have only 10 emails in your inbox, you may be pulling the trigger too fast and missing the richness of life."


    The richness of life, in emails?

    In business emails?

    How about: maybe some people deal with an item once, and once only, then file it. It used to be called efficiency. I guess now it's called "missing the richness of life".

  9. Probably they'll do a study on this study. It's a never-ending cycle of meaningless studies.
