
Saturday, August 12, 2006


Pat Niple, an Ohio woman who has the same vanity license plate on her car for more than a decade, is now being told by the Bureau of Motor Vehicles that it is obscene and it will not be renewed.

Niple's personalized plates are NWTF, an abbreviation of Northwood Tree Farm -- a business she owned with her late husband.

I guess this is another casualty of the Internet. I wonder if they are going to insist she change her last name?


  1. cube, funny!----and pathetic....maybe she should change her name to Pat Teat.

  2. WHOTF says it's obscene?

    is there somebody at dmv that just scans license plates all day deciding? if so, this would be the equivalent of menu washer in my book!

  3. rgmb: LOL! While we're at it, why not have her go back to her maiden name... Pat Butt ;-)

    nanc: I hear you.

  4. *sigh*

    Our tax dollars at work...

    Or, the DMV strikes again!

  5. LOL!

    Reminds me of a great t-shirt I saw once, that said:


  6. it isnæt obscene to my eyes. What can it be short for?
    I am serious.

    Niple, I bet she heard many jokes about it growing up!

  7. minka: it stands for "now what the f**k".

    I think Niple is her married name but imagine growing up with a names like Pat R. Butts ;-)

  8. O gosh I didnt even know what it stood for! call me naiive!

  9. woman: live & learn. You're never too old to learn new stuff. Me, I'm a student for life.

  10. I wonder if that's her domain name, too. And if so, what sorts of thing are people looking for when they end up at her site?

  11. jen: I've seen some wacky search words. Imagine if she uses her name for her domain ;-)
