
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Spider Not!

I ran across an ad for this product:

Apply directly to the spider!

Apply directly to the spider!

Apply directly to the spider!



  1. a bit of spider trivia - some if not most spiders are unclean, which means they do not put their hands in their mouths. thus, if they walk across poison, it cannot assimilate into their systems. if you're paying an exterminator to get rid of spiders, save your money - they can only be killed with a direct hit - kind of like a muzzie.

    we usually capture and keep a tarantula through the fall and winter to watch their habits and turn them loose in the spring. i would only purposely kill a black widow or recluse.

    i don't mind spiders! do they have any cat-not?

  2. I just wanted to make a joke about the Head-On line of products. I don't buy this myself. I don't go out of my way to kill spiders like I go after cockroaches.

    One year we had ~10 very large orb spiders in the back yard & we got a chance to observe them everyday. They were fascinating not just to us, but to visitors. They didn't hurt anybody & they ate lots of bugs.

    Spiders may not put their legs in their mouths, but they do have pores, don't they? I can't imagine that a bath of poision can be good for them.

  3. The only good spider is a very, very dead spider! I prefer bats for my bug extermination methods... Which, BTW, we have bats living around our house, and if you get up really early, you can see them flying. They just moved in, and have taken care of that nasty spiders living under the siding of our house problem! Previously, they would come out in such force that I had to do and India Jones style run in and out of my house after dark.


  4. I root for any critter that eats bugs. GO BATS!

  5. bats are great!

    what's fun is to tie a tennis or racquet ball into a sock and throw it up into the air when the bats come out and just watch it chase the sock nearly to the ground - and in some fatal cases all the way to the ground - that's the not fun part.

    they do eat lots of skeeters.

  6. ok thats enuf talk bout bugs for one post Cube..heh :)

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  8. so that would leave out rooting in the cellar, aye? bwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhahahaha!

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  10. kathy: thanks for the lesson. I will keep it in mind if I ever visit. tmi for the kiddies, though. Hope you don't mind the deletion.

  11. FUNNY!!
    Do NOT apply directly to the forehead!!

  12. I hate those Head-On commercials. They GIVE me a headache.

    BTW, I dislike spiders, bats, birds, mice, and all forms of vermin and critter.
    I like cats. And dogs.
    And caged up zoo animals.

    But bats? Heck no!
