
Friday, September 08, 2006

40th Trekiversary

Happy 40th Anniversary of Star Trek!

click here for larger image of this mystery 3-D photo.


  1. ok what am i missing? my eyes to happy anni anyway!

  2. Thanks for your support. Don't fret. There are many people who can't see what's hiding in these
    3-D images.

  3. aha! i knew it all along - it is a black and white world we live in!

  4. After a while it turns 3D and I can see see layers of texture deep into the image. The first "hole" is leaf shaped and runs from the bottom left to the top right of the image. Stunning and mesmerizing, almost looks like galaxies and novas inside.

  5. I hate these things, I can never do them no matter how hard I try.. Or don't try.

  6. Happy 40th!
    Hahahahaha at cat pictures....
    Have a wonderful day!
    (=':'=) hugs
    (")_ (")Š from da Cool Raggedy one

  7. If you stare at the center and relax your eyes, a 3D imgage of the Enterprise will appear.

  8. How neat! I didn't know it was possible to "see" those images on a computer. Fun!

    Wow, 40 years. On a five year mission, no less! I'm impressed.

  9. Transformer static?

    I was a Star Trek fan from day one. I've never managed to like any version other than the original and the movies based on the original series.

  10. AAAAHHHH!!! I feel like that guy in Mall Rats...

  11. AOW: I was there from the first day, but I've liked all of the Trek franchises.

    IMO Voyager & Enterprise were a little weaker than the others, but
    the way I see it, even "bad" Trek is beats a lot of the crap on TV nowadays.

    brooke: I didn't see Mall Rats.

  12. am i the only one who can actually see it?
    looks great, good job! :)
    how'd you do it?
    is there a program?
    *claps hands in over-excitement*

  13. alexander: I see it too. Beautiful isn't it?

    I didn't make the image. I just found it on the Internet.
