
Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Speaker Speaks

I woke up this morning and I heard Nancy Pelosi say:

"We nude a nee direction."

Yikes, we nude a nee speekur.


  1. time to buckle down for the next election and none too soon.

  2. That's the attitude, nanc. We will pick ourselves up, regroup, and look ahead to '08.

  3. I heard that too. Repeatedly.

    It's almost as funny as Arnold saying "I love to do sequels" upon his re-election.


  4. I try to look on the bright side of everything. Pelosi & the liberal leadership will provide us tons of blog material ;-)

  5. Yeah tons of blog material and by 2008
    hopefully people will know what they really stand for!

  6. She's a comedy gold mine!

    I need some mental Clorox; Nancy Pelosi talking about nudity does not generate a happy mental image!

  7. I've heard a bad Botox job can sometime affect a person's mouth and speech.

  8. Oh, this is so unfair, being out on a limb - I've never heard her speak.

    I'll have to hope for a YouTube special, or perhaps she'll eventually end up on the news down-under ... some day.

  9. shover: hope springs eternal.

    brooke: mental clorox. That's very clever. I like it.

    tlm: with the number of paralyzed muscles in her face, it's a wonder Pelosi can speak at all ;-)

    caz: believe me, you aren't missing much.

  10. is it all perhaps a nefarious Rovian move? Give them the house so they can expose themselves as the mooks they are?


  11. bw: I think it had more to do with simple math. For whatever reason, 31.5 million dems voting as opposed to 25 million reps.

    You're right about how they will eventually expose their kooky left policies.

  12. See, there's one kooky lefty right there, yelling & pitching a tantrum, while we discuss issues logically.

    That didn't take long :-)

  13. *logically* speaking, that's why the Republicans fell flat on their faces this week. you are in the minority now so you need to get over it and join the living.

    btw, i like your blog even when it goes over the edge; it's entertaining. :+)

  14. Me, over the top? Nevah! I don't mindlessly parrot the lies & misconceptions of the lame stream media. I will continue to do my homework & research alternative sources for the information I post on The BLOG. Just the facts, here.

    Glad you find it interesting :-)
