Checking out Powerline blog yesterday, I came across an interesting post about Jimmuh Carter entitled Errors, omissions, inventions and falsehoods .
In short, Professor Kenneth Stein of Emory University, is terminating his long association with the Carter Center, solely as a result of Carter's new book, Palestine: Peace, Not Apartheid.
In Professor Stein's words, "President Carter's book... is not based on unvarnished analyses; it is replete with factual errors, copied materials not cited, superficialities, glaring omissions, and simply invented segments."
The resignation letter is well worth the read. What I don't understand is, what took an intelligent person like Professor Stein so long to figure out that Carter is a liar and a cheat?
Not to mention a rabid anti semite..spit!..he should be silenced..he is quite dangerous..full of propaganda!..ty for this post Cube!
ReplyDelete..."what took an intelligent person like Professor Stein so long to figure out that Carter is a liar and a cheat?"
ReplyDeleteBetter late than never, I suppose.
And he expects the taxpayers to pay for his elaborate & fit for a king funeral which he certainly doesn't deserve.
ReplyDeleteAwww, but he's old and such a nice guy! You should be nicer tohim. So he made a few mistakes. He's a minister or something, right? I'm sure his heart's in the right place!
ReplyDeletepardon me while I go brush my teeth after making that statement. Or perhaps I should wash my hands after typing it?
bw: break out the Listerene. This guy isn't anywhere near what he appears.
ReplyDeleteCould someone point out to jimmah cahtah that the fake smile is nauseating? PLEASE?
tmw: you just did. But I don't Carter reads The BLOG ;-)
ReplyDeleteAnd he expects the taxpayers to pay for his elaborate & fit for a king funeral which he certainly doesn't deserve.
No more than Ronald McReagan.... that piece of human debrit that sold us to Japan in the 80's..... Remember pear harbor, I wouldn't polute my urine on Reagan's grave...... Where does the republican party find all these morons?
frank: I can't disagree more. I wouldn't put Ronald Reagan in the same category as Carter. Not for one nanosecond.
ReplyDeleteHe negotiated with terrorists! Remember Iran-Contra..... Payola for releasing the hostages, that was all negotiated before Ronny took the Oath of Office....... Since he negotiated with them once we are forever vulnerable...... Ronny's legacy just stinks. And W. capitulated to them after 9/11 they demanded that we get all our troops out of Saudi so Bush did, he sent them to Iraq..... Guess the GOP is just spineless.
ReplyDeletefrank: If the GOP is spineless, what does that make the democrats?
ReplyDeletedhimmicrats are amoebas.
tmw: I'll take invertebrates over one celled organisms any day ;-)
ReplyDeleteEspecially the kind that causes dysentary! ;-b
ReplyDeleteCarter gave the whole country malaise. Remember that?