
Friday, December 08, 2006

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

...a blogging cat that will fill in for me today because I'm too busy.

Happy Friday everybody!


  1. sooooooooo, it was your cat who killed my mouse!:


  2. Reminds me of when our Maine Coon was a kitten, he would chase the bouncing cube around the screen, then look behind the monitor to see where it went! Hilarious!
    Just goes to show you, cats aren't stupid!


  3. tmw: we had a Maine Coon & he had the sweetest disposition. He got along with everybody.

    BTW bouncing cube? I like the sound of that.

  4. i'm lmtailendo - steve doesn't get the "curtains" idea! he hates the draperies! this one will sustain me...well...until the next good one!

  5. You know the one, the Microsoft windows colors that went from a cube to a ball and back as it bounced?
    BTW-Where did you get your free sitemeter? I'd love to have one, but survivors benes don't allow for great extravagence.
    Dov, our kitty had the best disposition ever, but he was my late's cat(preferred person) and after he died, Dov got more and more depressed! Finally last year I had to put him to sleep, he never used his litter box anymore(don't ask) and then quit eating, he went from 20-12 lbs. in about a year! I couldn't bear to have him suffer anymore!


  6. tmw: aw, poor kitty. They get as attached to us as we do to them.

    I got mine at
    It's not hard & they have tons of styles to choose from.

  7. no way would that cat use a laptop, it has no mouse

    da dum DUM! Thanks folks, drive safe! I'm here til thursday, try the chicken...


  8. Gosh , I'm late.!
    Looks like the cat ate the mouse already.
    Don't think you'll get much work out of that cat ebuc! He's just as likely to curl up on the keyboard for a nap instead.

  9. i bet the kitty is easier on the puter than is my kid!

  10. A damn fine job he is doing!

    Now that he has mastered doing a post without scratching, you can send him out to work, so that he isn't paw in his old age.

  11. Here I am--a day late.

    Make sure that this kitty doesn't reformat the hard drive. Hehehe.

  12. Better late than never! Meow!
