
Friday, December 01, 2006

Why me?

Why in the world would Jimmy & Rosalind Carter think that sending me a cheesy best wishes card would somehow compel me to send them one penny of my hard-earned cash?

This Blast From 2004 is more likely to work at our house.

Is it just me, or does everyone else get these mailings?


  1. Yeah thats weird! Are the Carters sending them out to all Americans? And why would they do that?

    Wish they would just go back to their peanut farm and enjoy thier retirement.

  2. I agree about retirement. They've done enough damage.

  3. yes - and what i usually do with them is make my own comments to their comments in bold sharpee and return it ALL to them in the postage paid envelope they send with their correspondence - it's taken me two or three years of doing this with some of these idiots, but eventually they learn.

    p.s. put their address in the return address so it never comes back to you. cannot wait to get mine ::hands rubbing together::

  4. nanc: I do that with the ACLU junk mail that arrives at my house. They haven't gotten the message yet.

  5. mail from Carter!!..yikes!..I would send it back with 100 pro Jewish pamphlets..ROFL!

  6. sheesh, I never got anything from them....sniffle...


  7. Our tax dollars at work. A cheesy, no good ex-president that is still alive uses the old tactic to send out a greeting card to the sheeple.

    "Aw, isn't this nice? Look honey, a card from president Carter and his wife!"

    Spare me. That reminds me - I am out of toilet paper.

  8. What? No photo of Jimmy and Hugo Chavez sharing eggnog by the fire?

  9. Is it because he was such a good president that people now think we should listne to him?

    Anyone remember the great malaise speech?

  10. Oh yeah! Twit, and that's about the nicest thing I can say about him!
    Marti- Neither did I, thank you Lord!
    Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!



    Carter knows he looks like a world-class arse, and he knows history will remember him that way, so I'm not surprised that he's trying this sickeningly PC attempt to soften that image!

  12. cause they know it torques you.

    I read a funny quip about Jimmuh yesterday. It seems some literature professor did a review of a book that JC liked (hey I never noticed that before, JC. Hmmmm. What do you wanna bet he has?) ANyway.. JC didn't like the review and called the prof an @$$hole. I cannot imagine him saying that at all!!


  13. I hope I get one so that I can send it back with a comment.

  14. I have not received a happy holiday wishes message from the Carters--or the Clintons, for that matter.

    But I did get one from Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt last week. I guess the post office had a delay ...

    -- david

  15. if elbro stops by again, here's a great big HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, ELBRO!

  16. Hi Cube, That is hysterical!!!! Last year we got a Christmas card from the White House!!!! I don't think we'll get one this year though as we weren't as fired up donations wise. fyi, I had to abandon my blog and start a new blog

    Anyhow, my mother said she went to my old one and there’s a bunch of crazy stuff there now, so delete that address from your blog roll, okay? Thanks a bunch!

  17. bw: I can. Carter can be quite petty & vindictive. Don't be deceived by his good ole country boy act.

    sk: I want to tell him what he can do with his peanuts.

    da: ha ha. that darned snail mail.

    nanc: happy birthday, elmer's bro.

    eyes: thanks for the update. what made you switch. Just curious.

  18. Notice that the Steel Magnolia signed her name first, tells you who really wears the pants in the family! I do believe thatour boy jimmah is henpecked!
    Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


  19. tmw: good eye. Rosalyn may have been an early co-president ala Hilary.

    I checked back to our 2004 card from the Bushes, and it reads from George Bush & Laura Bush.

  20. u5j41n4s25 l5h29h7h65 t1t86m9v16 c6o65h3m71 f3m88c7z51 x8j65o2v88
