
Thursday, January 04, 2007

Post-It Note Jaguar

See how Inphonic employees carried out their wicked practical joke on Walt, a fellow employee, in the InPhonic garage...

Post-It Note Jaguar .

These people are nothing if not determined.


  1. They are WAY more patient than I am.

    It looks pretty cool!

  2. I wonder what Walt did to get this level of time-consuming determination put toward a prank?

    Hee hee.

  3. I don't know about Walt, but think I would be driven to flog these people until they dropped. There has got to be some residue left on the paint & I don't drive anything as expensive as a Jag.

  4. Looks like it was a team effort. They all look so happy to be participating in vandalism.

  5. Flogging's too good for them ebuc.

    They should paint and paper 'em and have them walk around with a sign saying
    "I am a vandal"

  6. When I worked at Harris Corp., we had a supervisor that everyone liked, sooooooooo, we took our latex gloves and pumped them full of air, and filled his little convertable, then taped more to the windsheild frame and the antenna! He drove it home that way, after he shoved over the gloves in his seat! It was a riot!
    And one Halloween...


  7. that's $462.38 worth of post-its! WHAT WERE THESE PEOPLE THINKING?!?

  8. Thanx for your sweet comment. Its really funny to see some guys having this much of time to do this kind of jokes. They need to be taught a lesson..

  9. phoenix & kathy: how about a Post-it note on their backs that says, "KICK ME".

    weenie: glad you liked it.

    tmw: I'm afraid to ask what you did to the supervisors you didn't like!

    nanc: it had to cost more than that. Those Post-It notes aren't cheap. I'm betting they were all from the Inphonic office supply cabinet too.

    justin: I'm rooting for Walt to get even with these goofballs.

  10. For the record, the Post-It Notes were not pilfered from the Inphonic supply closets. They were purchased for the occasion. And yes, we are all watching our little Inphonic backs now.

  11. that is awesome. Totally beats the time we saran-wrapped a buddy's car in high school.


  12. back in the day - we used to steal our post-its from the district attorney's supply room when the investigators would go there to file their cases...welfare fraud was the red-haired stepchild at the time and we didn't warrant our own post-its!

  13. anonymous: I didn't mean to impugn your character. It was a small joke about employee pilfering which happens everywhere but Inphonic ;-)

    BTW how much was the post-it bill? Just curious.

  14. Did you see this on ABC World News? I bet these guys at inphonic had no idea they'd become famous
